Op.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin
A Comprehensive Guide to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

A Comprehensive Guide to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is usually used if pregnancy does not occur despite unprotected sexual intercourse for more than 1 year. Classical IVF treatment is referred to in the medical literature as in vitro fertilization (IVF). In this treatment, the egg, which is the reproductive cell of the woman, and sperm from the man are taken and combined in a laboratory environment. In this article, you can find the answer to the question of what IVF treatment is and detailed information that should be known.

What is In Vitro Fertilisation Treatment?

In vitro fertilization is one of the treatment methods for those who cannot have children. In women and men, conditions such as advanced age, infection, and obstructions in the uterine tubes can prevent pregnancy. Poor sperm quality in men leads to a low chance of success in getting pregnant. This treatment involves the fertilization of reproductive cells from the man and woman in the laboratory and their reinsertion into the woman's uterus.

Egg collection from the woman should be done in a way that increases the chance of pregnancy. The placement of the fertilized egg in the mother's uterus affects the success rate in IVF treatment. In this process, the development of the fertilized egg called the embryo is closely monitored. IVF treatment offers a suitable environment for the realization of pregnancy as if it had occurred naturally. After the treatment, some applications can be performed to support regular sexual intercourse.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for IVF Treatment?

Those who are looking for an answer to the question of how IVF treatment works may wonder whether they are suitable for these procedures. This treatment is suitable for couples who have not achieved pregnancy in the last 1 year despite having regular sexual intercourse without protection. With the help of infertility treatment and assisted reproductive techniques, people who want to become a mother and fathers can have children. Women who want to conceive can have IVF treatment if they are over 30 years old and have not had menstrual bleeding for 6 months.

In addition, in some cases, if menstrual periods are irregular and painful, they are suitable for IVF treatment. In addition, this treatment can be used in cases of pelvic pain, endometriosis, or recurrent miscarriage. In men, low sperm count and a history of testicular and prostate diseases are suitable candidates. When the sperm count is not of sufficient quality and sexual problems are experienced, it is possible to have a child with IVF treatment.

How is IVF Treatment Performed?

The question of how does in vitro fertizilastion work is an issue that couples who want to have a child investigate. Today, this application is one of the most applied infertility treatments. Infertility can occur due to many different factors. Thanks to the stages of IVF treatment, it is possible to become a mother and father at the end of this process. IVF treatment including embryo transfer is done as follows:

  • Eggs, which are female reproductive cells, are collected.
  • Sperm, which are male reproductive cells, are taken through masturbation.
  • These cells are brought together in the laboratory and fertilization takes place.
  • After the fertilized egg is divided, the embryo is transferred.

When the embryo develops, it is placed in the mother's uterus and the normal pregnancy process continues.

After the IVF transfer, it is sufficient for the expectant mother to rest for 30 minutes in the center. After the embryo transfer procedure, you can rest for 45 minutes and return to daily activities. IVF treatment prices may vary depending on the center and the methods chosen by the specialist doctor. In IVF treatment, expectant mothers are given egg enlargement injections through the navel. After these injections are shot regularly for about 10 days, egg collection procedures are started.

When is IVF Treatment Applied?

When assisted reproduction methods are inconclusive, donor insemination and in vitro fertilization treatment can be used. The difference between this treatment from natural pregnancy is that the fertilization process is carried out in a laboratory environment. The pregnancy rate can be calculated in advance according to the tests performed on women and men who want to have a child. If expectant mothers and fathers who apply to IVF centers have not achieved pregnancy for 1 year, treatment is started.

Specialized doctors take some criteria into consideration when planning this treatment. The question of how many days of menstruation IVF treatment starts is extremely important in this process. Treatment usually starts on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation. IVF treatment ends after approximately 16-17 days. At this stage, 12 days are waited after the embryo transfer, and the result is obtained by looking at the pregnancy test in the blood. Since drinking plenty of fluids reduces uterine contractions, it is often recommended in IVF treatments.

What are the Stages of IVF Treatment?

Couples who have problems with having a child can get successful results from IVF treatment. While starting the treatment, some medications may need to be given to the expectant mother. In this process, the question of how many days IVF treatment takes may vary depending on the current health status of the mother and father. After the ovaries are stimulated, the egg collection process is started. An ultrasound vaginal probe is used during egg retrieval from the expectant mother. These devices are also used in IVF stem cell therapy applications. The eggs taken from the expectant mother are removed with a needle connected to the suction device.

The answer to the question of how many days IVF injection treatment lasts varies depending on the woman's reproductive potential. Although the ovarian stimulation process may be different for everyone, it takes an average of 10-12 days. On the day when the excess eggs are collected, sperm cells are also collected from the man. The sperm and eggs are mixed in a petri dish and fertilized in a culture medium. If there is a problem with the quality or quantity of sperm cells, different methods are used than in previous IVF procedures.

After fertilization, embryo development is monitored and embryo transfer to the uterus is performed after a certain number of hours. Transfer days may vary according to the number of eggs and embryo quality. These decisions, which form the basis of IVF treatment, are determined by the specialist doctor and IVF center specialists. Half an hour of rest is sufficient after the transfer. The discharged expectant mother can rest at home and return to her daily life.

In case of problems such as colds during in vitro fertilization treatment, the medications given by the specialist doctor should be used. The treatment method and process are determined after the first examination of the expectant mother and father. Couples who want to have a child with this treatment can get support from Op. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin's IVF centre. You can find answers to all the questions you wonder such as how much does in vitro fertilization cost in our center.



Yumurtalık kistleri, yumurtalığın içinde görülen içi sıvı ile dolu kese veya keseciklerdir. Normalde her adet döneminde overler içinde yumurta hücresini taşıyan ve boyutları 3 cm'ye ulaşabilen folikül adı verilen kist oluşur. Sonra bu kist çatlar ve yumurta açığa çıkar. Gençlerde yumurtlama sorunu olan kızlarda çatlayamayan normal ya da fizyolojik folikül kistleri her ay büyüyerek 5-10 cm ye ulaşabildikleri gibi polikistik over diye adlandırdığımız küçük 0.5-1 cm boyutlarında dizi halinde çok sayıda görülebiliyor. Bu fonksiyonel olan kistlerin dışında iyi veya kötü huylu yumurtalık kistleri de her yaş grubunda görülebilmektedir.

En sık görülen fonksiyonel yumurtalık kistleri dışında kistler iyi veya kötü huylu tümöral kistler şeklinde olabilirler. Ayrıca enfeksiyon sonucunda apse şeklini almış kistler görülebilir ki bu duruma genellikle ağrı ve yüksek ateş eşlik eder.


When a woman and a man cannot achieve pregnancy, it should be checked whether there is any infertility in the couple. IVF treatment should generally be tried 3 times. There is a chance of pregnancy in trials after this number, but the success rate is very low.

IVF treatment can be applied until the age of 45 in women. However, it should not be forgotten that women over the age of 40 have a significantly reduced chance of getting pregnant. Therefore, the success rate of IVF treatment with egg collection in older women is lower than in younger women. The number of trials may need to be increased for older expectant mothers.

Embryo transfer into the uterus in IVF treatment is a simple and fast procedure. Firstly, a thin plastic catheter is inserted into the cervix. The embryo passes into the mother's uterus through this equipment. During the treatment method, egg developer injections must be administered.

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