Op.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin
Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts

What Is an Ovarian Cyst Symptoms, Types, and Treatment of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts is a term used to refer to fluid-filled sacs that form inside or on the surface of the ovary. Many different health problems can occur with ovarian cyst formation. It is necessary to apply the correct treatment methods for these fluid-filled sacs formed in the ovaries in women.

Ovarian cysts are generally benign and are among the situations that many women encounter at least once in their lives. The sizes of the cysts in question can be different. Most of the time, cyst formation in women does not give symptoms, but pain, swelling, and other different symptoms can be seen over time. Ovarian cysts in women can also occur as symptoms of right or left ovarian cysts. In women with these problems, they can be commonly seen in the egg-producing organs on both sides of the uterus. 

What are Ovarian Cysts?

The ovarian cyst is a common disorder in women. Fluid-filled sacs that form inside or on the surface of the ovary are defined as cysts. These sacs can be formed from the structure in which the egg develops and excreted, from the endometrium structure lining the uterus, or directly from the egg itself. In women, if the cyst is formed in the ovarian region, although it does not give symptoms at first, it may give symptoms in some people in later cases.

Ovarian cyst, which is one of the most common gynecological problems among women today, can be classified according to size, shape, and cause. In this context, different results may occur between the symptoms of cysts in the right ovary and the symptoms of cysts in the left ovary. Ovarian cysts can be of different sizes and sometimes they may not give symptoms. Ovarian cysts are classified differently according to their size and shape. Ovarian cysts are generally classified according to size, shape, and cause as follows:

  • Microcysts,
  • Macrocysts,
  • Flikular cysts,
  • Endometrioma,
  • Other cysts etc.

Ovarian cysts can occur due to many reasons. For macrocysts such as 7 cm ovarian cysts, different treatments are used depending on the type of cyst. They can occur due to hormonal changes, ovarian infections, trauma, and cancer. 

What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cyst symptoms may sometimes not occur. Various other symptoms may occur from time to time, depending on the patient. Ovarian cysts can be of different sizes and shapes and sometimes do not give symptoms. Symptoms of ovarian cyst rupture or some symptoms can also be seen from the first moment it occurs.

The main symptoms that commonly occur in women due to ovarian cysts are briefly as follows:

  • Pelvic pain,
  • Feeling of bloating and fullness,
  • Painful menstrual periods,
  • Pain during sexual intercourse,
  • Increased complaints of nausea and vomiting,
  • The emergence of urinary and bowel problems,
  • Menstrual irregularities,
  • Weight loss or rapid weight gain etc.

If treatments are not applied from the first moment after the symptoms of ovarian cyst appear, problems such as cyst rupture, cyst rotation, infection, or spread of cancer may occur. Therefore, ovarian cyst treatment should be applied to appropriate patients as soon as possible.

Who are suitable candidates for ovarian cyst treatment?

Depending on the size, type, and symptoms of the cysts and the general health status of the patients, the treatment methods to be applied differ. Basically, people with a definite diagnosis of ovarian cysts are considered suitable candidates. When the comments of those who have undergone ovarian cyst surgery are examined, it is reported that this treatment is also beneficial for progressive disorders. Suitable candidates for ovarian cyst treatment are briefly as follows:

  • People with continued cyst growth,
  • In cases where the cyst causes pain,
  • In people with the possibility of the cyst being cancerous, etc.

For people diagnosed with ovarian cysts, appropriate treatment methods are determined and the procedure is performed. In cases where drug treatments are inadequate, surgical procedures can be used for the treatment of cysts in women. In order for patients to be suitable for these treatments, their general health status and health requirements are checked.

How is the Ovarian Cysts Treatment Procedure Performed?

Different types of treatments are used in patients with ovarian cyst problems. The treatment procedure may vary according to the size and type of cyst. In cases where drug treatments are inadequate, surgical methods such as open surgery or laparoscopic surgery are used, especially if the cyst causes pain. After detecting the follicular cyst or other types, the specialist physician decides which treatment methods to proceed with.

Chemotherapy is also possible when ovarian cysts are malignant. Briefly, the main treatment procedures and methods applied in the treatment of ovarian cysts are as follows:

  • Observation and follow-up of the cyst,
  • Initiation of drug therapy,
  • Laparoscopy,
  • Ovarian cystectomy,
  • Other surgical methods, etc.

After the correct diagnosis, the treatment procedure is tailored to the individual patient. The most appropriate treatment will have to be chosen for ovarian cysts, especially left ovarian cysts.

What Happens in the Recovery Process After Ovarian Cyst Treatment?

Depending on which options are evaluated among the ovarian cyst treatment methods, there may be differences in the healing processes. In cases such as chocolate cysts or if a surgical method is applied for other cysts, the healing process will be longer. Recovery processes may vary depending on the size and type of cysts and the general health status of the patient.


Generally, there is an immediate effect after surgery. Pain and discomfort disappear in a short time and the patient tends to recover. The recovery period varies from person to person. If intensive surgical operation is required with the treatments applied in large cysts, then the healing process is also prolonged.

The treatments applied in dermoid cysts or other ovarian cysts will be different from each other. Many details such as avoiding sexual activity for a while, wound care, and medication should be taken into consideration. Symptoms that will occur after ovarian cyst surgery vary from person to person. 

What are the Advantages of Ovarian Cyst Treatment?

Elimination of symptoms caused by ovarian cysts is among the most important advantages of ovarian cyst treatment. In addition, possible complications can also be prevented. These treatments ensure that patients regain their normal health as soon as possible after the symptoms of ovarian cysts or other types of cysts appear.

Since uterine cysts and cysts are usually seen with pain and other symptoms in patients, it is absolutely necessary to apply for the right treatments. Op. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin ensures that the treatment process is advantageous for everyone with his expertise in ovarian cyst surgery and ovarian cysts. Treatments should be applied before ovarian cancer or other serious problems occur. 



Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or vesicles seen inside the ovary. Normally, during each menstrual period, a cyst called a follicle, which carries the egg cell and can reach 3 cm in size, forms in the ovaries. Then this cyst cracks and the egg is released. In young girls with ovulation problems, normal or physiological follicle cysts that cannot rupture can grow every month and reach 5-10 cm, while small numbers of 0.5-1 cm in size, which we call polycystic ovaries, can be seen in series. Apart from these functional cysts, benign or malignant ovarian cysts can also be seen in all age groups.

Except for the most common functional ovarian cysts, cysts can be benign or malignant tumoral cysts. In addition, as a result of infection, abscess-shaped cysts may occur, which is usually accompanied by pain and high fever.


No, low ovarian reserve and early menopause are different conditions. First one refers to a decrease in egg reserve, while early menopause is when the fertility period ends prematurely. However, women with low ovarian reserve might be at risk of early menopause.

Women with a low ovarian reserve can still get pregnant, but this condition can impact fertility potential and make the process of conception more challenging.

Yes, women with low ovarian reserve can consider egg donation. This practice involves using young and healthy donor eggs and allows women with this problem to become parents.

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