Doç.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin


Fibroids, in its simplest form, is defined as a tumor that occurs in muscle tissues and usually occurs in the uterus in women. Myoma formation in the uterus can cause serious health problems when left untreated. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are extremely important. 

It is generally defined as a non-cancerous tumor that originates from the muscle layer of the uterus and occurs during reproductive years. In simpler terms, they are benign growths that occur in the uterus. It can occur in different sizes and numbers. As soon as the symptoms of fibroids in the uterus appear, it will be necessary to consult a specialist physician as soon as possible.

Fibroids, which are one of the common disorders in women today, rarely occur during adolescence and young adulthood. It is more common in women between the ages of 30 and 40. In some cases, fibroids can also be seen in different people and age groups.  

What is Fibroids?

Fibroids are defined as benign tumors originating from the muscle of the uterus. In a broader sense, fibroids are benign tumors consisting of muscle and connective tissue of the uterus. It is among the most common gynecological disorders in women. It has been observed that it can develop in the inner, middle, or outer layer of the uterine wall.

Myoma may occur in the uterus due to many reasons in women. There are many factors among fibroids risk factors. Fibroids can be of many different sizes and numbers. While some women do not show any symptoms with small fibroids, some women may have larger fibroids. 

The exact cause of fibroids is not known. However, the general opinion is that they develop under the influence of the hormone estrogen. Fibroids occur more frequently during the fertile period when the hormone estrogen is released. In this respect, fibroids also shrink as the release of estrogen hormone decreases after menopause.  

What are the Symptoms of Fibroids?

There is no definite evidence as to why fibroids occur. It is generally seen to be affected by hormonal conditions. On the other hand, the tendency to shrink in the postmenopausal period draws attention. After this period, it is essential to be followed up in terms of malignant transformation. In 1 in 1000 fibroids, there is a possibility of malignancy, i.e. cancerisation. In this respect, fibroids can occur due to many reasons. Symptoms of fibroids, which is a common condition among women today, are briefly as follows.

  • Abnormal and painful menstrual bleeding,
  • Back pain and painful intercourse,
  • Preventing the bladder from expanding by putting pressure on the bladder with the effect of the mass and consequently frequent trips to the toilet,
  • Pelvic pain and pressure,
  • Prevention of pregnancy, etc. 

Most of the time, fibroids do not cause any symptoms or complaints in many patients. However, some of them occur with problems such as pain, and irregular and severe menstrual bleeding, especially in the uterine region. The correct treatment processes for fibroids will need to be applied according to the findings and the patient's condition.  

Who is a Suitable Candidate for Fibroids Treatment?

Fibroids are one of the most common gynecological disorders in women. Fibroids need to be treated according to the symptoms, size, severity, age, and general health status of the patients. Of course, the most suitable people for treatment are those who are diagnosed with fibroids and have fibroid symptoms. Appropriate treatments for people with fibroid symptoms should be applied immediately. 

Those with mild and moderate symptoms, the location and size of the fibroid area, age, fertility desire, general health status, etc. will need to be treated for fibroids. Treatments should be selected for people with fibroids in the vagina as they significantly reduce the quality of life of patients. 

Fibroids are usually detected during routine gynecological examinations. However, for a definitive diagnosis, the physician must take the patient's history and perform an appropriate examination. The mass should be detected by using high-resolution ultrasounds together with physical examination. In case of more malignant consequences such as symptoms of fibroid rupture in the uterus, it will be necessary to apply for treatment without delay.

How Is Myoma Treatment Procedure Performed?

In order to start fibroid treatment, a definitive diagnosis must first be made. A diagnosis should be made by a specialist physician according to the patient's history and examinations. Most of the fibroids do not cause any symptoms or complaints. They are usually detected coincidentally. Methods such as fibroid surgery can be used when the disease is risky and progresses excessively. 

Fibroid treatments are usually performed with surgical interventions. The decision for surgery is also made according to the patient's condition. Fibroid surgeries are usually performed in two different ways. These surgical methods to be applied according to cyst fibroid symptoms and other factors are briefly as follows:

- The first option is aimed at removing the fibroids. If the patient has no children and plans to have children in the future, then fibroid removal surgery is performed. 

- In the second method, the uterus is completely removed. Since fibroids are tumors produced very frequently by the uterus, if the patients do not want to have children again, the uterus is removed to prevent fibroids from forming again. 

Treatment methods for people with fibroids are quite varied. The main issue taken into consideration when applying surgical methods is to determine whether the patients want to have children in the future and whether they have children. Hysteroscopy, closed surgeries, and open surgical applications can be evaluated in this context.  

What Happens in the Recovery Process After Fibroids Treatment?

The recovery process after fibroid treatment varies from person to person. The general health status of the patients and application methods are the most determining factors in this context. The recovery process after fibroid surgery varies from person to person. In the case of surgical interventions, patients are recommended to rest for a certain period of time. 

After drug treatment, treatment is applied to reduce the size and stop the growth of fibroids. This treatment usually has a short recovery period. Recovery processes after microsurgery, abdominal surgery, and hysterectomy also vary. The treatment method to be chosen according to fibroids and other parts of the ovary should be determined according to the patient's condition. 

What are the Advantages of Myoma Treatment?

People with fibroids should be treated as soon as possible. Whether to resort to surgical treatment or other treatment methods is decided according to the condition of the patients. If drug treatment is preferred, the biggest advantage in this case will be that it does not require surgery. The healing process is also very short. 

In methods that require surgery, if the patients want to have children, this advantage can be achieved after the fibroids are removed and until they occur again. For those who do not plan to have children, methods that will prevent the fibroids from fully emerging can be used. Op. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin, the best specialist in fibroid diagnosis and treatments, helps you get successful results with his expertise in fibroid treatments.



Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or vesicles seen inside the ovary. Normally, during each menstrual period, a cyst called a follicle, which carries the egg cell and can reach 3 cm in size, forms in the ovaries. Then this cyst cracks and the egg is released. In young girls with ovulation problems, normal or physiological follicle cysts that cannot rupture can grow every month and reach 5-10 cm, while small numbers of 0.5-1 cm in size, which we call polycystic ovaries, can be seen in series. Apart from these functional cysts, benign or malignant ovarian cysts can also be seen in all age groups.

Except for the most common functional ovarian cysts, cysts can be benign or malignant tumoral cysts. In addition, as a result of infection, abscess-shaped cysts may occur, which is usually accompanied by pain and high fever.


Uterine fibroids usually occur during the childbearing years and are defined as non-cancerous tumor cells. It is thought to have no effect on the growth and development of uterine cancer. Fibroids, which are mostly formed in muscle tissue, rarely develop in the cervix. Common fibroids can have many symptoms and complications.

There are situations where fibroids are dangerous. It can develop in the uterus and cause major problems, especially reproductive health. It is not dangerous because it is a non-cancerous tumor, but it can cause serious problems if it progresses. 

Fibroids are seen in one out of every four women today. Myoma, which is more common in women of reproductive age, occurs more frequently in women aged 30-40 years.

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