Excessive menstrual bleeding refers to menstrual irregularities that occur much more than normal menstrual bleeding in women.
Many factors may be involved in the emergence of excessive menstrual bleeding problems. It is therefore important to identify the underlying problem precisely and to apply for treatment accordingly. If excessive menstrual bleeding is not treated on time, it can lead to greater health problems and cause patients to face serious risks. Under normal circumstances, menstruation in women lasts between 5 and 7 days. It may require 2 tampons or pad changes every day. Conditions exceeding this amount are defined as excessive menstrual bleeding.
There are many factors that cause excessive menstrual bleeding. These factors should be determined correctly and appropriate treatments should be applied with intrauterine devices or other methods according to the underlying problem.
Excessive menstrual bleeding is defined as menorrhagia in the medical literature. It occurs when there is more vaginal discharge than normal menstrual bleeding. Situations, where more than normal pads or tampons need to be changed, indicate the problem of excessive menstrual bleeding. Excessive menstrual bleeding and problems such as clotting may indicate serious health problems.
It is imperative to start the treatment process as soon as possible by identifying the causes of excessive menstrual bleeding correctly. The main causes of excessive menstrual bleeding are briefly as follows:
There are also many health problems that may occur due to excessive menstrual bleeding. Patients should understand these symptoms correctly in the early period and consult a specialist physician as soon as possible. Menstrual periods may also become irregular due to such underlying factors.
In the case of disorders that cause excessive menstrual bleeding, many symptoms may occur in people. Symptoms of excessive menstrual bleeding are already manifested as more menstrual bleeding than normal. Although excessive menstrual bleeding is a symptom in itself, many other symptoms accompanying this symptom may also occur.
Although the symptom of excessive menstrual bleeding varies from person to person and according to the underlying cause, it appears briefly with the following symptoms:
The causes of excessive menstrual bleeding are variable. In women, these problems can occur as different symptoms. The underlying underlying causes are especially effective in changing these symptoms. These symptoms may develop due to polycystic ovary syndrome or other disorders.
People with irregular menstrual periods and excessive bleeding problems are suitable for treatment. Suitable candidates for the treatment of excessive menstrual bleeding are people who experience excessive menstrual bleeding and this problem seriously negatively affects the quality of life. Treatments vary according to the factor causing excessive menstrual bleeding and the person.
In general, those with excessive menstrual bleeding and the following people are suitable for treatment:
Very heavy menstrual bleeding will cause serious health problems in the future. Appropriate treatment should be started immediately before these health problems occur.
In the treatment of excessive menstrual bleeding, different treatments are applied according to the underlying cause and patients. In case of excessive menstrual bleeding, the first examination and evaluation will be performed by a specialist physician. People with excessive menstrual bleeding are checked by physical examination and other tests.
The treatment procedure for those who experience more menstrual bleeding than normal usually consists of the following stages and methods:
The causes of excessive bleeding need to be determined by detailed examination. Cervical cancer and many other factors can cause such problems. Correct diagnosis of the underlying diseases is important for successful treatment.
As with all other medical treatment methods in excessive menstrual bleeding, the healing process varies according to patients and preferred treatment methods. In general, treatment methods such as drug therapy, surgical intervention, intrauterine devices, laser or electrosurgery, and endometrial ablation are applied. The healing process in the treatment of people with severe menstrual bleeding is therefore different.
For excessive bleeding during menstruation, some conditions may delay the healing process. After the treatment, firstly, a decrease in symptoms is observed. After starting treatment, the symptoms that cause excessive menstrual bleeding will decrease.
Excessive menstrual bleeding often appears with anemia. Recovery from anemia is also part of this treatment process. The actual healing process is the relief of the symptoms that cause excessive menstrual bleeding and the restoration of a regular menstrual cycle. The healing process varies according to patients and treatments.
It is possible for people who are treated with excessive menstrual bleeding complaints to return to daily life comfortably in a short time and to get rid of these complaints. Since excessive menstrual bleeding will also prevent pregnancy planning, it increases the possibility of pregnancy.
Treatment of excessive menstrual bleeding has many advantages such as reduction of excessive bleeding and other symptoms, improvement of anemia, return to a regular menstrual cycle, pregnancy planning, improved quality of life, and treatment of underlying disorders. It is recommended to start treatment as soon as possible after blood tests and other examination and diagnostic methods. With the expertise of Op. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin, you have recovery with a successful treatment process in a short time.
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or vesicles seen inside the ovary. Normally, during each menstrual period, a cyst called a follicle, which carries the egg cell and can reach 3 cm in size, forms in the ovaries. Then this cyst cracks and the egg is released. In young girls with ovulation problems, normal or physiological follicle cysts that cannot rupture can grow every month and reach 5-10 cm, while small numbers of 0.5-1 cm in size, which we call polycystic ovaries, can be seen in series. Apart from these functional cysts, benign or malignant ovarian cysts can also be seen in all age groups.
Except for the most common functional ovarian cysts, cysts can be benign or malignant tumoral cysts. In addition, as a result of infection, abscess-shaped cysts may occur, which is usually accompanied by pain and high fever.
Excessively intense menstrual bleeding in women occurs due to causes such as intrauterine device use, fibroids, uterine polyps, endometriosis, intrauterine inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and cancer.
It can become a dangerous situation depending on the causes of menstrual irregularity and the cause of excessive bleeding. If more than 4 tampons or pads are completely soiled in 2 hours, they should be applied immediately.
Menstrual irregularity can often be a sign of diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems, and endometriosis.