Doç.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin
IVF Treatment Procedures

IVF Treatment Procedures

Some supportive methods can be applied to the successful outcome of IVF treatment. In vitro fertilization is the best solution to achieve pregnancy for couples who cannot have a baby naturally.

If the expectant parents who start the treatment pay attention to some suggestions, it provides great support to the treatment. Controlling stress and improving quality of life are effective in success rates. However, it should not be forgotten that there are techniques that can be applied medically to be successful in IVF treatment. In this article, you can find detailed information about the factors affecting success in IVF treatment and more.

What is IVF Treatment?

The answer to the question to whom IVF is performed is couples who cannot achieve pregnancy despite having unprotected sexual intercourse for at least 1 year. Among the public, the question of what IVF means in relation to this treatment often comes up. IVF is the abbreviation of the English name of in vitro fertilization treatment. The IVF process actually started as soon as the decision to have a child was taken. In order for this process to give successful results, it is necessary to pay attention to some details.

In vitro fertilization drugs consist of drugs that strengthen the egg quality of the expectant mother. Before the egg retrieval process from the mother, there are injections made from the navel in a 10-day period. Before the IVF transfer process, these injections can help the treatment to be more successful. In addition, the chance of success can be increased with different methods applied to the mother and father candidates in the treatment.

What are the Ways to Increase the Chance of Success in IVF Treatment?

Expectant mothers and fathers who are doing research on how to do IVF examine the combination of reproductive cells in a laboratory environment. Some medical interventions that can be applied in this process increase the chance of pregnancy. The main aim of in vitro fertilization is to improve the quality of reproductive cells. When these cells develop enough to produce a healthy embryo, it becomes easier to have a baby. Successful results can be obtained with methods that can be applied in the laboratory environment during the IVF stages.

In IVF treatment, the chance of birth can be increased by applying various injections to the expectant mother. Because as the age of the expectant mother advances, there is a serious decrease in the quality of the ovaries that have the potential for birth. Especially in women older than 40 years of age, the probability of getting pregnant by IVF method decreases compared to younger women. Medical support is needed for successful egg retrieval.

What is the Era Method in IVF Treatment?

Era method called Endometrial Receptivity Assay is also applied to increase success in IVF treatment. Era method, a small piece taken from the inner lining of the uterus is subjected to more than 200 genetic tests, paving the way for success in IVF. The most accurate timing of the embryo's time of attachment to the uterus can be determined by the Era method. One of the most important factors affecting having a baby is the attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

Before the embryo transfer, a very small sample is taken from the cervix of the expectant mother. This procedure increases the chances of having a child for women over a certain age. In vitro fertilization treatment will be successful when a good-quality embryo is transferred into the uterus at the right time. All details about the genetic analysis of the collected eggs are revealed in this examination.

How is the Era Method Applied in IVF Treatment?

Female age and ovarian reserve are important criteria for achieving successful results in IVF treatment. In order to increase the success of the treatment, a small amount of sample is taken from the inner lining of the woman's uterus in the era method. This procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia or sedation, is an important factor in the success of the treatment. This sample is genetically analyzed and the optimum time for the intrauterine lining to fuse with the sperm is determined.

Before the genetic analysis, in vitro fertilization injections are given so that the woman is ready to become pregnant. When the appropriate date is determined, embryo transfer is planned. Embryos are frozen and stored for this procedure. Specialized physicians decide on the number of embryos required for pregnancy. When the specified time comes, the embryos are thawed and placed in the mother's uterus. IVF prices can reach high figures depending on the scope of such applications.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for the Era Method in IVF Treatment?

The answer to the question of how many days after the IVF transfer, the attachment depends on the success of the Era method. In the Era technique, which is one of the methods accepted all over the world, the environment in the clinic must have suitable conditions. In the Era method, the chance of pregnancy increases as quality embryos are transferred on certain days. It can be applied to patients who have not been able to conceive despite repeated attempts. This method is ideal for women who cannot get successful results as a result of normal IVF treatment stages.

What is Embryo Freezing in IVF Treatment?

When choosing an IVF center, specialist doctors should be preferred. In this treatment, applications such as embryo freezing should be performed when necessary. For example, as the woman's age progresses, the possibility of pregnancy decreases. Because the number and quality of eggs decrease with advancing age in women, so the possibility of conception decreases. The quality embryos of older women are frozen in the laboratory under special conditions. These embryos are then thawed and used when they need to be fertilized by IVF treatment.

What is the Micro-TESE Method in IVF Treatment?

IVF types do not only consist of methods applied to female patients. Micro-TESE method is applied if there is no sperm in semen in cases where there is no male-induced pregnancy. For those who are looking for an answer to the question of what is fertilization, it is the process of sperm fertilizing the ovary, which is the female reproductive cell. If the number and quality of sperm is not sufficient to fertilize the egg, it must be supported.

If there are no sperm in the male seminal fluid, surgical sperm retrieval is used. In this procedure, the testicular tissue is accessed with a microscope, and a sample is taken from the area where the sperm are concentrated. The sperm are immediately analyzed in the embryology laboratory to determine whether they are of good quality or not. It is analyzed whether the sperm obtained can fertilize the egg cell before the IVF transfer process. If necessary, these spermatozoa are injected into the egg immediately or frozen and stored for the eggs to be taken from the woman later.

You can benefit from the experience of Op. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin in your search for the best IVF centre. Equipped with the latest technology and medical machines, our clinic provides professional support to couples who want to become a mother and fathers. You can contact us to get information about infertility and the current prices of IVF treatment.



Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or vesicles seen inside the ovary. Normally, during each menstrual period, a cyst called a follicle, which carries the egg cell and can reach 3 cm in size, forms in the ovaries. Then this cyst cracks and the egg is released. In young girls with ovulation problems, normal or physiological follicle cysts that cannot rupture can grow every month and reach 5-10 cm, while small numbers of 0.5-1 cm in size, which we call polycystic ovaries, can be seen in series. Apart from these functional cysts, benign or malignant ovarian cysts can also be seen in all age groups.

Except for the most common functional ovarian cysts, cysts can be benign or malignant tumoral cysts. In addition, as a result of infection, abscess-shaped cysts may occur, which is usually accompanied by pain and high fever.


IVF treatment stages should be carried out in the environment of a specialist physician and a full-fledged IVF center. Among the factors affecting the success of the treatment, the woman's age, egg number, and egg quality are important. In men, sperm count, sperm quality, embryo quality, and the number of embryos transferred are important.

Apart from medical interventions, attention should be paid to the nutrition program to improve embryo quality. It is recommended to consume foods such as yogurt, cheese, and milk and foods rich in zinc. Protein foods can improve embryo quality.

Zinc-containing foods regulate hormone levels in both men and women. Consumption of fish, beans, milk, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers, walnuts, almonds, and eggs should be increased. Along with these, the quality of the IVF center is effective in success.

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