Doç.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin


The medications used by the patient in IVF treatment may cause some edema and appetite. This results in weight gain. However, this situation is not serious enough to worry about. The weight gained during this period is usually in an amount that can be lost in the post-treatment period. Patients with good general health and psychology do not experience intense weight fluctuations during treatment.

Since ovaries and fibroids are in different places, the egg reserves of a patient with fibroids are not affected. In other words, she can undergo in vitro fertilization treatment. Nevertheless, a woman in this situation should consult her doctor and undergo examinations.

It is a method used to increase the chances of pregnancy for people who have already tried IVF treatment. It is simply the process of recombining eggs and sperm that have been tried many times and waiting for them to fertilize. In this case, a development can be seen on the fifth day. After the embryo is analyzed under appropriate conditions, it is transferred to the woman's uterus if it is found to be of good quality.

Couples who are candidates for IVF treatment undergo certain examinations. For those who are deemed successful in these examinations, the treatment usually gives positive results in the first attempt. In young couples with good sperm quality and egg reserve, the probability of IVF success in the first attempt is high.

Applications such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy that people receive as part of cancer treatment can cause reproductive failure. However, this is not always an obstacle to having a child. A person can store their eggs or sperm before starting treatment for their disease. In this case, there is a chance of success in IVF treatment for cancer patients.

While it is possible to make gender selection with IVF treatment, this is prohibited in Turkey by regulation. Therefore, the necessary examination for this choice cannot be performed in our country. However, in the case of hereditary diseases, an exception is accepted and gender selection may be allowed.

Health tourists come to Turkey from all over the world. Our top destinations include the Middle East, America, Russia, Iran, Ukraine, France, Azerbaijan, and Libya.

Turkey offers treatment and services in all branches of the health sector. With modern hospitals and clinics, specialist doctors, and technological devices, successful operations are carried out, especially in IVF treatment, hair transplantation, aesthetic and cosmetic surgery, cardiovascular surgery, orthopedics, and oncology.

Istanbul, the most important city in Turkey, has many advantages in terms of health tourism. These advantages are listed below:

  • Location
  • Extensive transport networks
  • Number of quality hospitals and clinics
  • Medical specialists
  • Natural beauty
  • Cultural diversity
  • Historical texture

Treatment and services within health tourism in Turkey are quite safe. Thanks to the serious measures taken and inspections carried out by the Ministry in recent years, many health tourists prefer our country for quality and comfortable treatments.

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