Doç.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin
Total Fertilization Failure (No Fertilization)

Total Fertilization Failure (No Fertilization)

Strategies for Dealing with Total Fertilization Failure (No Fertilization)

The development of pregnancy in IVF depends on the success of the sperm fertilizing the egg. In some cases, the fertilization process may be interrupted or not take place at all. 

In most cases, very few eggs remain on the third day, and even if these are implanted in the uterus, pregnancy cannot be achieved. The failure of fertilization depends on various factors. In IVF treatments, fertilization may not occur in one-third of the eggs. There is a 1-3 percent chance that the entire egg collection process is not fertilized at all. In such cases, Total FF, i.e. no fertilization, is seen as one of the important causes of infertility. 

In the realm of assisted reproductive technology, where the desire for parenthood meets the complexities of fertility problems, the journey is often marked by egg retrieval, multiple cycles of IVF, and the fervent hope for a successful pregnancy. For many couples, this path represents their best chance at achieving the dream of parenthood, especially for women aged 35 and above, who may face increased fertility challenges.

IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization, has become a beacon of hope for couples struggling with infertility. Many people wonder about how successful is ivf treatment. It involves combining donor eggs and sperm outside the body to create embryos, which are then selected and transferred into the uterus. The success rate of IVF has seen significant improvements over the years, with the help of advances in medical science and the tireless efforts of fertility clinics. However, amidst the promise of IVF, there exists a distressing phenomenon known as Total Fertilization Failure.

What is Total FF?

Even if the IVF method is successfully applied, the lack of fertilization is largely not a surprise. IVF specialists take some samples from the mother and father before the procedure and determine how much the chance of pregnancy is. In this way, it can be seen that the negative results of the IVF procedure may be caused by the health problems of the expectant mother or father. The answer to the question of how many days fertilization takes is within a total of 8 days, 5 days before and 3 days after ovulation. In some cases, the absence of fertilization is defined as total FF.

The question of what is late fertilization, which is also seen in IVF treatments, is often wondered. As the name suggests, the fact that the expected ovulation date occurs on a later day indicates that fertilization occurs late. Late fertilization means that the time required for sperm and egg to form a successful pregnancy is delayed. Fertilization failure, i.e. no fertilization of any egg, can occur after the microinjection method called ICSI. 

What are the Causes of Total FF No Fertilization?

The answer to the question of when fertilization occurs in the laboratory environment takes place within an average of 8 days. In this process, when sperm enters the egg, the zona reaction occurs. This prevents different sperm from entering the egg. When there are no signs of fertilization, total FF is considered to have occurred. Among the reasons for the absence of fertilization are the following:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes ovulation problems in women.
  • Obstruction in the tubes.
  • Factors related to semen.
  • Failure of the microinjection procedure.

Fertilization may not occur if there are severe problems with the parameters of the microinjection (ICSI) sperm cells or if the number of eggs collected is low. In order for the egg to be fertilized, the sperm criteria are injected into the egg, and the calcium level in the egg must increase. The answer to the question of how fertilization occurs is part of the birth cycle. If fertilization does not occur during this process, health problems in the expectant mother and father should be considered.

Why is the Egg Not Fertilized in IVF?

Many people wonder about what is the success rate of IVF as well. Fertilization in IVF is performed for couples with problems in terms of egg and sperm quality. IVF treatment is applied when there is a physical problem that prevents fertilization in at least one of the expectant mothers and fathers. Functional disorders may not be resolved despite egg collection in the laboratory. Some of the conditions that may cause the egg not to fertilize are as follows:

  • Advanced age of the expectant mother. 
  • Insufficient number and quality of eggs of the expectant mother.
  • Use of harmful substances such as smoking and alcohol.
  • Obesity of the expectant mother and father.
  • Decreased sperm quality due to advancing age. 
  • The father-to-be has testicular torsion or undescended testicle problems.
  • Low sperm count in the father-to-be. 
  • At least one of the mother and father candidates has a genetic infertility problem.

Problems in egg and sperm quality can cause the egg not to be fertilized. To eliminate physical problems, applications are performed to increase the chance the ivf treatment success rate. The reasons mentioned above are simple answers to the question of why the egg does not fertilize in IVF. In addition to these, situations arising from the specialist and clinic performing IVF treatment may also occur.

What are the Conditions That Prevent Fertilization In Terms of Sperm?

The entry of sperm into the egg is the first step in terms of this process. When failure occurs due to the egg, the exact reason for this is unknown. In the fertilization process that does not occur due to sperm, there are some details to be considered:

  • ICSI with completely immobile sperm instead of motile sperm. 
  • Deficiency in the part of the sperm head called acrosome.
  • Globozoospermia condition.

In response to the question of when fertilization takes place, it is the process that starts when sperm and egg cells are brought together under a microscope. This process takes place between 48-72 hours, 5 days before and 3 days after ovulation, for a total of 8 days. Ovulation is essential for a healthy process. Ovulation time usually occurs on the 14th day of menstruation. The answer to the question of how long fertilization takes is approximately 8 days.

What are the Causes of the Failure of an Incubating Egg?

The question of what is external fertilization is an issue that people who research IVF treatment are curious about. This process, also known as artificial fertilization, is fertilization performed in an external environment. In the formation of a healthy pregnancy, it is important for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus and develop here. Some factors are effective in the non-fertilization of the cracked egg. Egg rupture is when the wall around the egg breaks and the egg descends into the abdominal cavity. It is quite normal for the egg to hatch during the labor cycle.

What Can Be Done If There Is No Fertilization?

The answer to the question of how to understand that there is fertilization causes a delay in menstruation in women. If menstruation is delayed for 10 days, a pregnancy test should be performed. If there is no fertilization, the ca-ionophore method can be applied to increase the fertilization rate. This method can ensure that even spermatozoa without a fertilizing part can attach to the egg.

What is the Total FF Ca-ionophore Method?

The calcium ionophore method is to keep the egg in a special solution after the ICSI process during the fertilization process and put it in an incubator. In this method, IVF success rates increase significantly. In the early fertilization process, the egg is kept in a special solution and passes to the fertilization stage in the incubator. This technique reduces the risk of large and small anomalies in IVF treatments. This technique is an effective method for couples with a history of in vitro fertilization in the past.

In order to achieve effective results in the shortest possible time in IVF treatment, the IVF center should be chosen correctly. When you act with a team of experts in the field, you can reach your dreams of having a baby. For this, it will be enough to make an appointment with Op. Dr Nurettin Türktekin's clinic. You can contact us to get maximum efficiency from the IVF method.




Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or vesicles seen inside the ovary. Normally, during each menstrual period, a cyst called a follicle, which carries the egg cell and can reach 3 cm in size, forms in the ovaries. Then this cyst cracks and the egg is released. In young girls with ovulation problems, normal or physiological follicle cysts that cannot rupture can grow every month and reach 5-10 cm, while small numbers of 0.5-1 cm in size, which we call polycystic ovaries, can be seen in series. Apart from these functional cysts, benign or malignant ovarian cysts can also be seen in all age groups.

Except for the most common functional ovarian cysts, cysts can be benign or malignant tumoral cysts. In addition, as a result of infection, abscess-shaped cysts may occur, which is usually accompanied by pain and high fever.


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