Op.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin
Recurrent IVF Failure

Recurrent IVF Failure

Recurrent IVF Failure: Causes, Strategies, and Solutions

Recurrent IVF, also known as IVF treatment failure, is the failure of 3 consecutive IVF treatments.

There can be many different reasons for not getting results from IVF treatment. The success rate of IVF may vary depending on the woman, the man, or the IVF center. In this process, IVF success rates increase if the factors are evaluated correctly and the right methods are applied. In these evaluations, details such as how many eggs were collected, how many were mature, and how many were fertilized are important. You can find all the details you need about IVF treatment methods in this article.

What is Recurrent IVF Failure?

IVF treatment is an embryo fertilization method applied to couples who cannot have a baby by normal means. The medical practice, popularly known as in vitro fertilization, stands out with the question of what IVF treatment is. In vitro fertilization is the fertilization of the ovary taken from the expectant mother and the sperm cell taken from the expectant father in a laboratory environment. If a couple cannot achieve pregnancy after 3 IVF treatments or a total of 4 IVF treatments despite the transfer of quality embryos, it means that recurrent IVF failure has occurred.

The first goal in IVF treatment is to reach day 5 with the best quality and the best number of embryos. In this process, it is very important to provide an environment that will facilitate embryo attachment. Therefore, different methods should be applied for couples with a history of recurrent IVF failure in failed attempts. Preimplantation genetic screening should be the priority for these people. In couples with recurrent IVF failure, many methods are used to detect problems related to the uterus. Among these, it is important to increase adhesion by biopsying the uterine lining.

What are the Causes of Recurrent IVF Failure?

Failed IVF attempts may have occurred under the influence of many factors. If pregnancy cannot be achieved after 3 consecutive IVF treatments, IVF has failed.  The most common situation in couples with this problem is that the embryo does not develop even though there is no problem in the couple. Couples can have a baby when the factor that prevents the development of the embryo is identified and treatment is applied accordingly. Factors that reduce the success rate of IVF include the following:

  • Translocations
  • Mozaicism
  • Inversions
  • Deletions

To increase the success rate of polycystic ovary IVF, supportive therapies and approaches to improve egg quality should be adopted. IVF stages do not make it possible for every patient to respond to standard protocols in the same way. Therefore, it may be necessary to thin the inner wall of the uterus to increase pregnancy rates. The uterine lining is important in recurrent IVF failures. Intrauterine structural anomalies, space-occupying lesions, or adhesions are among the causes of IVF failure. With such interventions, the cause and solution to IVF failures can be found.

How to Recognize Recurrent IVF Failure?

The question of what is IVF pregnancy is often asked by couples interested in IVF treatment. It should be examined whether there is a decrease in pregnancy rates with this treatment. For example, if the thickness of the uterine membrane is below 7 mm, the chance of pregnancy decreases significantly. If necessary, the medicated uterine film should be taken again and the uterine membrane should be observed with 3D ultrasound. If the success rate decreases in 2 IVF attempts, the uterine lining should be checked for adhesions.

A karyotype analysis and hysteroscopy to examine the inside of the uterus are recommended for couples with recurrent IVF failure. A woman does not need to have a coagulation test before repeated IVF. Some of these tests may be used in cases with more miscarriages. Repeated IVF failure occurs when there is no chance of success in 3 consecutive IVF attempts. It should be kept in mind that not every patient will respond to standard protocols as previously anticipated. Medication changes or supportive therapies should be aimed to improve egg quality in case of poor embryo quality.

Who Has Recurrent IVF Failure?

Those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to increase the chance of success in IVF are also couples with a history of recurrent IVF failure. One of the most important factors in the evaluation of these individuals is chromosome analysis. In IVF treatment, individualized IVF treatment protocols should be applied to achieve the best quality embryos. If fibroids, polyps, and adhesions in the lining of the uterus are detected in the examinations performed on the woman, these people may experience failure.

The success rate in the first attempt at IVF is examined under 2 different headings as conditions related to the woman and the man. Sometimes, there may be situations arising from the in vitro fertilization center. After examining the details of unsuccessful applications, it can be seen where mistakes were made during the embryo transfer process. In this context, the uterus should be evaluated first and then the tubes should be evaluated. The methods to be applied in the analysis of fluid in the tubes, i.e. hydrosalpenx, are determined.

What Should Be Done In Case of Recurrent IVF Failure?

What is fertilization and what should be done in recurrent IVF failure are topics that couples who want to have a baby research. First of all, the techniques applied in cases related to the male factor should be changed. In couples with recurrent IVF failure, a fault should be searched for in these methods and the most ideal method should be chosen for the couple.  In cases of infertility, the male factor comes to the fore to a significant extent. While examining the male factor, the quality of sperm, fertilization ability, sperm count, and mobility should be taken into consideration. Today, environmental conditions, the negative impact of working conditions, smoking, and alcohol consumption can cause problems in the male factor.

A good analysis of the man before treatment can help the IVF treatment to be more successful. For example, IMSI is used in cases with severe sperm problems. In a normal microinjection system, sperm are selected by magnifying them 100 to 400 times. On the other hand, embryos with a healthy chromosome structure should be selected in patients with abnormal chromosome analysis. These problems should be treated first by using the latest methods in IVF treatment.

Laboratory quality and experience are of great importance in IVF treatment. In order to be successful in IVF, the embryology laboratory and the specialist must work in harmony. You can get professional support from Prof. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin and his team in this field. It is very important to deliver a day 5 embryo to be successful in this treatment. You can find all the details you wonder about 2023 IVF prices and treatment methods by contacting us.




Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or vesicles seen inside the ovary. Normally, during each menstrual period, a cyst called a follicle, which carries the egg cell and can reach 3 cm in size, forms in the ovaries. Then this cyst cracks and the egg is released. In young girls with ovulation problems, normal or physiological follicle cysts that cannot rupture can grow every month and reach 5-10 cm, while small numbers of 0.5-1 cm in size, which we call polycystic ovaries, can be seen in series. Apart from these functional cysts, benign or malignant ovarian cysts can also be seen in all age groups.

Except for the most common functional ovarian cysts, cysts can be benign or malignant tumoral cysts. In addition, as a result of infection, abscess-shaped cysts may occur, which is usually accompanied by pain and high fever.


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