Op.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin
What Happens in the Diagnosis and Treatment Processes of Male Infertility?

What Happens in the Diagnosis and Treatment Processes of Male Infertility?

Male infertility, or infertility, is a health problem that refers to a man's inability to conceive for one year despite regular sexual intercourse with his partner.

If you suspect or have already been diagnosed with this condition, there are disorders in your sperm production, sperm motility or sperm morphology (shape and structure). Male infertility can affect your fertility. It therefore requires a medical assessment and often treatment. It is a common problem and many people are looking for answers to the question "what is infertility and how to treat it".
As you will see in the rest of the article, the causes of male infertility can be various. These include hormonal imbalances, infections that affect sperm production, genetic factors, traumas, structural abnormalities in your testicles, chronic health problems and your age. In addition, certain lifestyle factors, especially excessive alcohol consumption, excessive smoking, overweight or obesity, frequent exposure to hot baths or saunas, can also increase the risk of male infertility.

The diagnosis of male fertility is made by a urologist or reproductive endocrinologist. This diagnosis is usually made following a variety of medical tests, including a review of your sexual and medical history, physical examination, sperm analysis and hormone tests. Treatment can vary depending on the underlying causes of infertility. Options include medications, surgical interventions, medical procedures to increase sperm production and reproductive assistive technologies (such as IVF). Op. Dr Nurettin Türktekin performs the best IVF treatment in Turkey.

What are the Causes of Infertility in Men?


Infertility in men can have many different causes and these causes can occur due to various factors related to the reproductive system, such as sperm production, sperm transport or sperm morphology. Here are the most important causes of male infertility:

  • Problems in sperm production
  • Obstacles in sperm transport
  • Varicocele
  • Genetic factors
  • Temperature exposure
  • Hormonal problems
  • Excessive alcohol and smoking

Sperm production is a complex process that takes place in the testicles, and if this process is disrupted at any stage, you may experience infertility. Various factors such as hormonal imbalances, genetic factors or environmental factors can also affect your sperm production. Sperm is transported from your testicles through the epididymis, vas deferens and eventually into the urethra. If any of these pathways become blocked or damaged, there may be problems with sperm transport. For example, a vas deferens blockage can develop as a result of a surgical intervention and block circulation.

Infertility can sometimes also be caused by hormonal problems. Problems with the hypothalamus or pituitary glands can lead to hormonal imbalance, which can affect your sperm production. In addition, your poor lifestyle and health problems such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity or certain chronic diseases can also increase the risk of infertility. Finally, it is important to note that chemotherapy or radiation therapy used as cancer treatments also negatively affect sperm in the process.

How is Male Infertility Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of male infertility involves a series of important steps to be able to accurately diagnose and direct treatment. These steps include various evaluation methods such as your medical history, physical examination, sperm analysis, hormone tests, genetic examinations and radiological imaging.

Firstly, your medical history is examined in detail. Factors such as previous health problems, surgical interventions, if any, regular medication and lifestyle habits are taken into consideration at this stage. This information provides important clues for your specialist in determining possible causes of infertility.

The physical examination is usually performed by a physician specialised in the field. This examination is performed to identify any abnormalities or obstructions in the genital organs. The size and structural condition of your testicles will also be assessed.

Sperm analysis is the main diagnostic tool for male infertility. By giving a semen sample, sperm quantity, motility, morphology and other characteristics are evaluated in a laboratory environment. These results are an important indicator of male reproductive health and play a critical role in determining treatment options for your doctor. In addition, some hormone tests are also used to detect hormone fluctuations. Blood tests, FSH, LH, testosterone, etc. can be measured to determine your problems, if any.

Treatment Methods in Male Infertility

Treatment methods for male infertility are mainly determined based on the quantity, quality and motility of your sperm and structural problems with your reproductive system. The treatment is used to increase your partner's chances of pregnancy and basically address your infertility problem. 

If you are experiencing infertility due to hormonal imbalances, you should take medication prescribed for this. These can help regulate your hormone levels and stimulate sperm production. In some cases, blockage of your sperm-carrying ducts can be corrected surgically. This surgical procedure may vary depending on the location and severity of the blockage.

Varicocele is a condition of enlarged testicular veins that can adversely affect sperm production. Varicocele surgery aims to correct these veins. Vitamin and mineral supplements, antioxidant drugs or other nutritional supplements can be used to improve your sperm quality. On the other hand, Intratubaricular Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a reproductive assistive technology used for men with low sperm production. In this method, a single sperm cell is fertilised with an egg.

The treatment of male infertility is determined depending on the couple's specific situation and the underlying causes of infertility. Therefore, the most appropriate treatment option should be determined after an evaluation by a urologist or reproductive health specialist. You can visit Op. Dr Nurettin Türktekin's clinic and get information about the causes of infertility in men and the price of IVF treatment. Male factor infertility is not unsolvable. Please contact us.


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