Doç.Dr. Nurettin Türktekin
Birth Control Methods

Birth Control Methods

Best Contraceptive Methods and Sexual Health

Birth control methods refer to methods that should be applied when pregnancy is not desired. Birth control methods must be applied to minimize the risk of pregnancy after sexual intercourse.

Although there are different contraceptive methods for men and women, contraceptive methods for women are more common. Among modern methods, contraceptive pills and intrauterine spirals are among the most effective methods.

Today, with the development of modern contraceptive methods, it has become possible to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Among male contraceptive methods and female contraceptive methods, birth control pills, intrauterine devices, and condoms are among the most preferred methods.

In general terms, birth control methods are divided into 5 different groups. It can be classified as hormonal methods, intrauterine devices, natural methods, and surgical applications. The choice can be made according to preference among the morning-after pill and all other methods. 

What are Birth Control Methods?

Birth control methods are applied in cases where pregnancy is not desired and planned during sexual intercourse. There are different birth control methods for men and women. At the same time, these methods differ according to their application methods. Some of the commonly preferred methods among female contraceptive methods are as follows:

  • Birth control pills,
  • Intrauterine device,
  • Injections etc.

In men, some of the birth control methods are as follows:

  • Condoms,
  • Spermists,
  • Semen lavage,
  • Vasectomy etc.

According to the application methods and success rates, individuals will need to choose and use the most suitable contraceptive methods for themselves. In this context, it is important to be protected with the right methods. In general, it is recommended to use more traditional methods when choosing birth control methods over the age of 40. Hormonal methods, intrauterine devices, and surgical applications are often preferred by women and men as birth control methods in this context. It is extremely important to avoid methods that will adversely affect reproductive health in the long term. Some methods may adversely affect reproductive health.

What are Modern Birth Control Methods?

There are many birth control methods among modern applications. In general terms, common contraception methods applied to the present day are briefly summarised under the following headings:

  • Hormonal Birth Control Methods: Birth control pills, injections, subcutaneous implant applications.
  • Intrauterine Devices: Hormonal - non-hormonal spiral applications etc.
  • Barrier Methods: Diaphragm, condoms, spermists, etc.
  • Surgical Methods: Tubal sterilization, vasectomy, etc.

Before choosing hormonal methods such as monthly injections or birth control pills, it is necessary to determine whether the general health status of the person is suitable for this.

Who is a suitable candidate for contraception?

Birth control methods are suitable for all couples who do not want pregnancy. However, it is important that individuals choose the most suitable contraceptive method according to their general health status and personal preferences. Not all contraceptive methods may be useful for everyone. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right method. Non-hormonal contraceptive methods are especially recommended for people whose general health condition is not suitable for these methods.

In general, contraceptive methods such as morning-after pills should not be used too often due to their side effects and long-term effects. Condoms and intrauterine devices are generally preferred as a common contraceptive method.

People who are considering using contraceptive methods will need to pay attention to some details and prefer these methods. Modern contraceptive methods can be preferred according to general health status, age, sexual activity, and pregnancy desire. The disease history and financial status of people are also taken into consideration when determining these methods. Since some contraceptive methods can be costly, all details should be evaluated correctly. 

How are Birth Control Methods Applied?

It can be applied in many different ways according to the type of sexual protection methods that couples will prefer. Condom use is among the easiest and most practical methods. Protection is provided by wearing it on the penis during sexual intercourse. Condoms are also among the methods that people with active sexual life should prefer, as they provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Another practical and widely used method is oral contraceptives, i.e. birth control pills. Birth control pills should be taken orally at the same time every day. It is important to use according to the drug instructions. Birth control methods can become effective with PPT and other methods.

Birth control needles and injection methods should be applied at certain intervals. In addition to these, there are also some surgical birth control methods. Contraceptive methods such as tubal ligation procedures can be prevented by connecting the fallopian tubes and preventing the female reproductive cell, egg, and sperm from coming together.

Nuvaring, or vaginal ring, is a contraceptive method placed in the vagina. Apart from permanent methods such as tubal ligation or vasectomy, this method should be changed regularly. In choosing the most effective birth control method, people's personal preferences and general health conditions should be taken into account.

What are the Advantages of Birth Control Methods?

As the name suggests, the biggest advantage of birth control methods is the prevention of pregnancy. In addition, many of these methods also prevent sexually transmitted diseases. It is essential to apply birth control methods for healthy sexual intercourse. With these methods to be applied before sexual intercourse, the risk of birth is minimized. However, not all contraceptive methods applied today have the same success rate in preventing pregnancy.

The risk of pregnancy can be minimized with a correct contraceptive calendar method. The advantages of birth control methods in general are as follows:

  • It helps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Prevents unwanted pregnancy.
  • It offers a healthy sexual intercourse.

Before resorting to tubal ligation and other permanent methods among birth control methods, preferences should be evaluated correctly. Op. Dr. Nurettin Türktekin facilitates the process for you with treatments with a high success rate in the field of modern contraceptive methods.



As the best contraceptive method, some surgical procedures that give definite results can be shown. Ligation of the tubes, subcutaneous implants, and the use of hormonal spirals are considered among the safest birth control methods. In men, vasectomy can give definite results as a surgical method applied by cutting and tying the sperm ducts.

Protection during sexual intercourse is important in many ways. However, not all of these protection methods have a 100% success rate. Therefore, there is a risk of pregnancy even if a condom is used. Even if the healthiest contraceptive method is used, the risk increases in wrong applications. For example, the success rate of using condoms alone is generally 88%. In the use of a diaphragm, this rate can be up to 94 percent. In this respect, it is possible to get pregnant even if there is protection.

Withdrawal, which is one of the most well-known and traditional contraceptive methods, is one of the applications with the highest risk rate. This method basically refers to the man ejaculating out of the vagina just before ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Among contraceptive methods, it is not recommended to prefer this application due to the high-risk factor.

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